/ˌdiləˈtänt, diləˈtäntē/, noun
a person who purposefully dabbles in many different pursuits.
Songs by Nell Balaban
Dilettante is a collection of songs I’ve written and recorded over the last 10 years or so.
I'm excited to share them and will be releasing them
in this space one at a time over the next couple of months. Welcome to week 11!
We could call it a record, an album, or a playlist.
All the tunes were produced and recorded in Canada in various locations; wherever Tim Thorney (the great!) has had his studio, Villa Sound, that’s where I’d go, from Toronto to the lovely Blue Mountains of Ontario.
This week brings A Better Day. Ohhh, you know--
one of those songs in which I was working out some old stuff: taking stock, releasing, looking with a new lens and hopefully owning it all.
I seem to recall that the song morphed a few times in the studio before it came out the way it did, with its tinge of bluegrass and its hint of a smile. At one point it was even arranged like a Burt Bacharach tune replete with horn section! Which kinda worked, actually!
But I, for one, am happy that we landed on what you hear here.
Villa Sound studio stack

One of the best days; Kamakura, Japan, 2012